Access rent comps with Rentometer Pro
When real estate professionals need to know the going market rent for a property - they use Rentometer.
To get started, add the address and number of beds for your property, and make sure the Smart Radius filter is selected. Smart Radius is Rentometer's trademarked algorithm. It automatically chooses the shortest distance from the target address to give a quality rent analysis.
You can manually select a larger or smaller radius, but Smart Radius will automatically adjust if there aren’t enough rent comps that meet your criteria.
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Rentometer Pro subscribers have the option to customize their Pro reports by adding their contact information and logo. If you’re a real estate professional looking to enhance your marketing efforts or build your network, you can share your branded reports with current or prospective clients.
To process your rent analysis, click the analyze button.
We first give you a QuickView Report which is a brief summary of the full rent analysis. At a glance, you can get a sense of the going rents in your area as well as how many rent comps we have available for you to download.
All Pro subscribers receive unlimited QuickViews so you’re able to adjust your search filters to get closer to your property’s specifications before running the more detailed Pro Report.
Some of our subscribers only need the summary data in the QuickView, but if you want to access and download the rent comps in our comprehensive analysis, you can view the Pro report.
The Pro Report contains historical rent data and a list of detailed rent comps to help guide your investment decisions. You’ll see at the top of the report, there’s an image of the property you searched and the rent summary from the Quickview. Below, you’ll find valuable statistical information formatted into easy-to-read charts.
The Sample Listing section includes a sampling of up to 25 market rent comps used in the analysis. We have an easy to read map where you can see nearby rent comps and more detailed property information below. You can access all of the rent comps used in your analysis by pressing the Download Comps button.
Lastly, we have the Public Record Data section which contains information on the tax, sale, year built, and other key data about the property you searched for.
Rentometer PRO subscribers have the option to customize their PRO reports by adding their contact information and logo. If you’re a real estate professional looking to enhance your marketing efforts or build your network, you can email your branded reports to current or prospective clients.
Now that we’ve shown you the ropes on how to best utilize our tool, you’ll be getting accurate rent comps in no time!
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