Rentometer Tools: Batch Processor
Exclusively available for
Pro subscribers

Save time analyzing large portfolios of properties

Process a large quantity of rent data at once with our Batch Processor tool. Get Started

How It Works

guideline 1
Analyze a large quantity of rental properties quickly and easily. Use our Batch Processor to analyze any number of properties up to 500 all at once.
guideline 2
Simply upload your list of property addresses, number of beds, and number of baths, and the Batch Processor tool will generate a CSV file with the average, median, 25th and 75th percentile rent prices via our API.


Batch Data & Filters
  • Search up to 500 records/addresses at once
  • Each record is filtered by number of Bedrooms (BR) and Bathrooms (Ba)
  • Global filter options: Building type and look back period
  • Option to drag and drop or upload CSV input file
  • Input file must be in CSV format
  • Option to manually enter addresses with Bedroom (BR) and Bathroom (Ba) information
  • Review and edit the list of addresses before running a Batch
  • Include multiple input files in single batch
Batch Results
  • Powered by the Rentometer API
  • Results populate into downloadable CSV that you can save and share
  • Result CSV file includes average, median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile rents
Batch Storage
  • Completed reports are saved to your account for future viewing, download, and recalculation
  • Completed reports can be recalculated with the option to edit filters and addresses

Requirements and Pricing

  • The Pro subscription includes 1000 QuickView credits each year with the option to purchase additional credits in My Account
  • Each address processed costs one (1) QuickView credit.
    For example: a Batch with 75 addresses will require 75 QuickView credits

Sample Files

Input file format required: Sample CSV Import File
Output file format: Sample CSV Output File

Use cases

Here are a few examples of how our customers use Batch Processor to save time while analyzing data more efficiently.
Evaluate a list of "for sale by owner" listings to quickly identify potential investment opportunities using market rents and the 1% rule.
How to accomplish using Batch Processor:
  • Process a list of addresses from FSBO listings using Batch Processor to generate an average rent for each property.
  • Set an investment target by applying the 1% rule to the average rent for the area.
  • Compare the sale price of the property to the investment target and generate a ranking of the properties by best potential investment.
Quickly identify the best potential investments to focus on instead of spending time sorting through the entire list.
Evaluate your current rental portfolio to identify rents that are 10-25% below market
How to accomplish using Batch Processor:
  • Process your list of rental property addresses using Batch Processor. The output provides an average rent for each property.
  • Compare your current rent prices to the market average.
  • Calculate the % difference between your price and the market average.
Quickly identify current rentals that are below market average and make note of how much you can increase your rent by in upcoming lease renewals
Evaluate a list of foreclosure listings to quickly identify potential investment opportunities using market rents and the 1% rule.
How to accomplish using Batch Processor:
  • Processed the list of foreclosure addresses using Batch Processor. The output provides an average rent for each property.
  • Set an investment target by applying the 1% rule to the average rent for the area.
  • Compare the sale price of the property to the investment target and generate a ranking of the properties by best potential investment.
Quickly identify the best potential investments to focus on instead of spending time sorting through the entire list.

Investment Analysis:
For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Listings

Portfolio Analysis

Investment Analysis: Foreclosures Listings

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